Menopause changeover, also known as perimenopause, commences several years preceding menopause. It's the point at which the ovaries start to produce less estrogen. It usually begins in women's 40s, but it can begin as early as their mid-thirties. Perimenopause will last until the ovaries cease producing eggs that is when menopause occurs. This decrease in estrogen accelerates in the latter 1 to 2 years of perimenopause. Many women are experiencing symptoms of menopause at this time. Let us understand when does peri-menopause start, it’s causes and symptoms.  

How long does Perimenopause last?
Perimenopause lasts on average four years; however, it can last as little as a few months or as long as ten years for certain women. When a woman has gone 12 months without having her menstruation, perimenopause is over.

What Are the Symptoms of Perimenopause?
Perimenopause women experiences at least one to two of the following symptoms:
•    Flashes of heat
•    Soreness in the breasts
•    Premenstrual syndrome has gotten worse.
•    Lower sex attraction
•    Depression
•    Periods that are irregular
•    Dryness in the vaginal area; sex pain
•    Chronic cough or sneezing cause’s urine incontinence.
•    Swinging in emotions.

What can cause early perimenopause?
Early perimenopause is associated with a number of variables.  Some of the variables are:
•    Using tobacco/substances or smoking
•    Family history of early menopause
•    A background in cancer treatment
•    If the uterus or ovaries have been removed

How is Perimenopause Diagnosed?
Depending on the symptoms, the doctor may be able to diagnose perimenopause. A blood test to evaluate hormone levels may also be beneficial although the hormone levels will change as people progress through perimenopause. It may be more beneficial to compare many blood tests taken at different periods.

Can Perimenopausal Women Get Pregnant?
Yes, a woman can still become pregnant during the perimenopause phase, despite the decrease in fertility. If the woman does not wish to get pregnant, she should use birth control until she reaches menopause. Due to a decrease in fertility, getting pregnant might be difficult for some women in their late 30s and early 40s. If conceiving is the objective, there are treatments that can assist women in conceiving.

Is it possible to treat perimenopause?
There is no way to prevent perimenopause. Perimenopause is a normal part of the aging process. Perimenopause is "cured" when the menstruation stops and the woman experience menopause. However, the healthcare professional may suggest perimenopause medication, either over-the-counter or by prescription, to alleviate symptoms.
•    Antidepressants: These drugs can help with anxiety or mood swings.
•    Estrogen therapy: Estrogen levels are stabilized with this treatment. Estrogen therapy can be used as a lotion, gel, implant, or tablets.
•    Gabapentin: This is a seizures prescription that also helps some ladies with hot flashes.
•    Vaginal creams: Prescription and over-the-counter treatments can be discussed with the healthcare professional. Treatment can help with sex-related pain and vaginal dryness.

A healthcare professional reviews the benefits and drawbacks of perimenopause therapy with them and recommend the best option for them based on their specific needs of the patient. Certain lifestyle adjustments can also assist, such as eating a nutritious diet, getting some mild exercise, and eliminating foods or activities that cause hot flashes.

Note: The purpose of this article is to create general awareness among the readers. The information provided is not meant to be used for self-diagnosis or as a substitute to medical practitioner's recommendations. In case you find above stated symptoms in you or your known, Kindly consult your gynecologist regarding diagnosis and treatment.

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When does perimenopause start?

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